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Ways To Include Family During A "Just Us" Elopement

Just because you are eloping doesn't mean you can't include family and other guests! What if you have kids? Or even though you love your family, maybe you want to have a "just us" experience. You can still elope and include your family, without them attending in person. Here's some ideas on ways to include your family during a "just us" elopement so they don't feel left out.

reading letters from family during an elopement ceremony

Idea 1) Read letters from your family. Reading letters from family is a heartfelt and special way to include them! Reading what they have written just for you makes for a special and memorable moment! Read these on the morning of, or during the evening of your elopement. The photos will be memorable for everyone too!

Idea 2) Facetime or video chat family. This is a super simple way to feel like you spent time with family and friends on your elopement day! Facetime the special moments like you getting into your dress, or while you're eating cake! You could also record yourselves to get it on video and show them later!

Idea 3) Include special family heirlooms. Including family treasures like a watch or wearing your grandmother's dress are sure to make your family feel special and included! I had a bride before that wore a dress that her mother made her! Anything special like that is perfect for including family! Even things like lockets or necklaces, hair pieces, or adding special pieces to your bouquet.

heart pin on a wedding bouquet

Idea 4) Have your families/guests submit a video of them congratulating you. While you’re away on your elopement, have someone collect videos of your family and friends wishing you a happy wedding day, and put all the videos together! This would be a cute idea to include guests, or if you’re having a reception later, have it play then!

Idea 5) Have a reception later on. This gives you the best of both worlds - privacy on your wedding day and having a party later. This way you can do activities that are special to your relationship without anyone else feeling excluded. And you can open your wedding gifts with family later, or have that big party you've always dreamed of. This would work well with a multi-day elopement experience!

bride and groom kissing while their family sits at a dinner table

Idea 6) Have a legal ceremony with a traditional wedding ceremony setup and have a commitment ceremony for privacy. During commitment ceremonies, you can read vows, have a first look, and include your favorite activity (like hiking, for example). Then later, you can have that traditional ceremony setup if you want guests, and have it followed by a reception if you wish!

And there you have it! Some cute ideas to include your family if you prefer a "just us" elopement. If you want some more ways on how to make your elopement special, click here! Would just the two of you elope or would you incorporate family?

ways to include family during a just us elopement pinterest pin


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